Feed a hungry child breakfast for a year

Every morning, more than 1 in 5 kids in communities across Canada start their school day on an empty stomach. Help them access healthy foods.

As I head onto my bus I can only think about one thing: how hungry I am. We barely had any groceries in the house, and I was going to be late so I could not take the time to even try and find something to eat. The usual distraction of bumpy roads and the sunlight shining in through the windows was no match for my loud, and gurgling stomach. What if I faint or cannot think straight? As my anxiety begins to peak on me we arrive at the school. As I enter the doors I smell toast. And that’s when it clicked: We have a breakfast program here. My anxiety begins to dissipate once I am able to get some food in me, and my headache clears up. Without a proper nutrition program like this, I would not have been able to give my test the attention it needed as I would have been just thinking about my hunger and its consequences. School nutrition programs are important for people like me to succeed and give their best.

Erin Student

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Thank you. Your donation will help hungry children access healthy foods.